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Tuesday, September 19, 2006

MALAYSIA - Sipadan to be exploited as 'sustainble' (sic) dive tourism toilet

CYBER DIVER News Network, 7 September, 2006

Keeping to his word to personally monitor development at eco-sensitive areas, Sabah Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman yesterday visited Pulau Sipadan. He toured the island which was thrown into the limelight for the wrong reasons when a barge damaged coral reefs the size of one-and-a-half tennis courts four months ago.

The barge had gone to deliver building material for the construction of a RM5 million clubhouse, a project which was later called off.

After the walkabout, Musa told reporters that a facility costing less than RM1.5 million would be built for the comfort of divers and government officers stationed there.

"We are looking at some options that have been given to us by a consultant to construct facilities which include toilets, showers, a rest area for divers and staff quarters," he said.

He said once there was sufficient input, views would be sought from the Joint Committee on the Management and Supervision of Pulau Sipadan and Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi who recently made it clear that he was concerned about conserving the island's environment.

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