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Tuesday, September 12, 2006

CAMBODIA - finds gold in 'genocide trail' tours

eTN Asia, 9-11-2006

Cambodia's Khmer Rouge sites (also known as killing fields), which left behind memories of a genocide that killed as many as 2 million people, is expected to attract 1.6 million visitors this year.
Today dubbed as Cambodia's Khmer Rouge theme park, it is on almost every tour company's itineraries, reaping valuable tourist dollars for an impoverished country.
The 'genocide trail' covers Tuoi Sieng, Choeing Ek and the latest addition, Anlong Veng, Khmer Rouge leader Pol Pot's last stronghold.
Pol Pot's shabby grave and a towering stack of his victims’ skulls are drawing a growing number of tourists, curious to see for themselves evidence of Cambodia's macabre regime.

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