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Tuesday, September 19, 2006

AUSTRALIA - Queensland tourism to focus on Chinese market

eTN Asia/Pacific, 09-13-2006

Tourism officials from one of Australia's leading tourist destinations, Queensland state, said they recognize the Chinese market as a vital component in the state’s tourism industry plans for the next 10 years.

A flat domestic market, declining number of tourists from Japan, which contributes the second highest number of foreign visitors to Australia and stiff competition in the international market have forced the state to focus on high-yielding overseas markets, including the Middle East and Europe, reported the CourierMail.

"The Chinese market and protecting the Japanese market will be two vital components of the state's tourism industry for the next 10 years," said Queensland Tourism Minister Margaret Keech, outlining the industry's expansion plans.

"We will be focusing on developing the Chinese, Indian and Japanese markets, but China will become our biggest overseas market.

>>Full article