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Tuesday, June 05, 2007

VIETNAM - Domestic tourism industry shows strong growth in ’07

vnagency.com.vn, (02-06-2007)

HA NOI — With rising disposable income, more Vietnamese took the opportunity to travel within the country and abroad in the early part of the year, adding to an already budding tourism industry.
According to the HCM City Department of Tourism, over 300,000 Vietnamese travelled overseas in the first five months of 2007, up 30 per cent year-on-year. In May alone, 50,000 people headed outbound to popular spots like China, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and Cambodia.
The International Tourism and Trade JSC (Vinatour) says these destinations remain popular due to the shopping opportunities offered.
Tour companies also attribute the surge in the early part of the year to low air fares and easier visa procedures.

>>Full article