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Thursday, June 07, 2007

AVIATION - MAI looks to winter growth

TTGasia.com, Jun 1 - 7, 2007

MYANMAR Airways International (MAI) plans to inject capacity growth of at least 20 per cent with the onset of the winter schedule in October 2007. Country manager in Singapore, Mr Aaron Teo, said: “This will be achieved through a combination of new destinations, fleet growth and increased frequencies on existing routes. Up to now, we have depended on partnerships with other airlines to extend our reach and ASEAN-based airlines have been particularly helpful.”MAI operates a pair of MD-82 on flights linking Yangon to Bangkok (10 times weekly) and Kuala Lumpur (four times weekly with frequent additional flights needed lately). On the Yangon-Singapore route, MAI has a thrice-weekly joint service with Jetstar Asia Airways operated by the latter’s Airbus A320.

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