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Wednesday, June 20, 2007

HONG KONG - Aberdeen dream takes shape

TTGasia.com, Jun 15-21, 2007

The blueprint for the redevelopment was in the form of a paper presented to the Southern District Council by the Tourism Commission last month.
Artist impression of a tree-lined promenade at the new Aberdeen harbour.
Artist impression of the new Aberdeen harbour.In it, the commission outlined the details of a tourist hub, blending thematic architecture with al fresco Chinese and western entertainment. Work is proposed to start in 2009 and is due to be completed by 2012.Holiday World Tours managing director, Mr Paul Leung, believed developments like these helped the tourism industry and promoted repeat tourism. “The biggest advantage of Aberdeen is the natural environment. The harbour combined with the heritage aspect is really great. “The old house boats and sampans are not as prominent (as before), but the redevelopment will bring the nostalgia back. “This sort of attraction really reminds people of what it used to be and gives us a taste of the heritage.”He added: “Ocean Park up to Aberdeen and Ap Lei Chau is a very large geographical area.

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