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Wednesday, June 13, 2007

PHILIPPINES - Tourism stakeholders prepare for Cebu Asean Congress

Sun star Cebu, June 12, 2007

Foreign, national and local delegates will discuss lengthily perspectives in branding Asian destinations. For Cebu, the event will re-invent strategies to penetrate the global market. The International Media Forum will discuss issues on how far media could go in promoting the best of a destination. Concerns on infrastructures and facilities will heighten the panel discussions which will further reveal how Asian tourism leaders perceive one another in branding their destinations. The participation of the founding members of the East Asian Tourism Forum (Eatof) should be interesting to those who haven’t heard of this inter-regional group of government and academic proponents of tourism clusterings. But then, the “open skies” issues and Asean success stories are equally thought-provoking topics. Watch for it!

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