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Thursday, June 07, 2007

REGIONAL DEVELOPMENTS - Women Travellers Playing Major Role in Development of Asian Travel Industry

ASIATravelTips.com, 7 June 2007

As women travellers grow rapidly in numbers, spending power and influence, Asia’s travel industry is responding with a greater focus on safety, wellness and the ‘web’.
Making around 125 million trips a year and rising in Asia, women are set to play a decisive role in the development of the travel, hospitality and tourism sectors for at least the next 10 years, says Abacus CEO and President Don Birch.
“Asian women are travelling like never before. From the young to businesswomen to energetic grandmothers, they're travelling more often and further solo, in pairs with their female companions or as members of women-only interest groups,” Mr Birch said.
Latest travel figures from Mastercard now indicate that around 4 in every 10 Asian trips are by women travellers – up significantly from the just 1 in 10, in the mid 1970’s estimated by a recent Mastercard study, Women Travellers of Asia Pacific.

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