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Wednesday, November 22, 2006

PALAWAN - Hagedorn is serious on medical tourism realization in Puerto Princesa


Mayor Edward Hagedorn is taking a bold step towards the realization of medical tourism in the city.

Hagedorn foresees that medical tourism could generate enough revenue for the city as well for the country because a growing number of patients worldwide are traveling to get cheaper medical treatments.

Hagedorn, also the country’s anti-jueteng czar, had submitted this week P200 million proposed budget for the construction of world-class tourism hospital here next year.

The P200 million is the bulk of the city government's 2007 proposed budget which amounts to P1.438 billion.

The creation of a tourism hospital is a long-time dream for Puerto Princesans to help boost tourism and earn revenues for the city government from dollar-paying foreigners.

Hagedorn said he wants to finish the infrastructure projects first as preparation for the massive influx of tourists in the city.

Department of Health (DOH) viewed the medical tourism could generate enough revenue for the country to improve overall health care for the poor and make available expensive advanced medical equipment.

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