The Saturday, November 4, 2006 edition of the Indonesian language Bali Post carried the headline story: "Stop the Development of Golf Courses in Bali."
The article, quoting Sri Budhi, the Dean of the Economics Faculty of Bali's Udayana University, suggests that Bali will only suffer both economically and environmentally from the development of additional golf courses on the Island. According to Professor Budhi, seen from a profit-loss perspective, Bali loses much more than it gains from more golf courses. More golf courses will put added strain on Bali's already limited water resources in the creation of a facility only enjoyed by a minority in the elite economic classes of society. From a carrying capacity standpoint, the construction of more golf courses usurps Bali's very limited supplies of water and land, while placing added strain on an already over-burdened traffic grid.
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