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Monday, November 13, 2006

AUSTRALIA - Tourism Victoria appeals for urgent action to save industry

eTN Asia/Pacific, 11-08-2006

Tourism Alliance Victoria (TAV) has made an appeal for urgent action to help its tourism industry, which is facing difficult times during the current drought.

The TAV is appealing to the winning party in the coming November elections to expand the Sustaining Your Tourism Business (SYTB) program, introduced during the last drought in 2004.

Under the program, the government provides aid in the form of training, support materials and mentoring to help tourism operators achieve long-term sustainability.

"We are seeking assistance from the state government to support tourism businesses to work through the downturn directly linked to the present drought," said Nicholas Hunt, chief executive of TAV.

Hunt said the drought is hurting many tourism operators, particularly in regional areas.

Areas seeing a downturn in tourism include Gippsland, the Grampians, as well as towns in central Victoria and along the Murray River.

"The drought-stricken areas are getting fewer tourists, who have the perception since there is no water there is nothing for them to do or see."

Hunt points out the government's success when it supported the agricultural sector by refocusing farm businesses and creating new markets. "The government can do the same for regional tourism."

Training workshops under the SYTB program in 2004 has been found to benefit up to 93 percent of participants, while up to 82 percent found mentoring help them improve their businesses.

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