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Tuesday, November 14, 2006

MALAYSIA - Bridge a catalyst for growth

thestar.com.my, 13 November 2006

NIBONGTEBAL: The RM3bil second Penang Bridge will serve as a catalyst for development at the northern corridor and also position the state as a northern hub for sea and air connections.

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi said the Penang International Airport and the Penang Port would be upgraded to support the second Penang Bridge as a gateway to the northern corridor so as to enhance and promote the economic growth of the neighbouring states.

“With the second bridge, activities at the Penang International Airport in Bayan Lepas and the Penang Port will increase manifold in terms of export and import business,” said Abdullah at the ground-breaking ceremony of the second bridge in Batu Kawan yesterday.

“There is no need to build more airports or ports. We will use what is already there, but it (current infrastructures) should be upgraded,” he said.

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