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Wednesday, November 22, 2006

AUSTRALIA - Aboriginal tourism targets Europe

The Australian, 21-11-2006

BRITISH and European tourists to Australia will be encouraged to get a taste of Aboriginal culture after a report revealed fewer than one in five visitors arrive in the country seeking an "indigenous experience".

Aden Ridgeway, the former senator who now heads the Indigenous Tourism Australia agency, will lead an Aboriginal tourism roadshow to Britain and Europe in February. An Indigenous Tourism report to be released today reveals that having an "indigenous experience" - such as visiting an Aboriginal art gallery or seeing Aboriginal dance - was a major factor for just 18 per cent of visitors in their decision to come to Australia in the March quarter this year. Fifty three per cent of visitors said having an indigenous experience was of little or no influence in their decision. Germans, at 38 per cent, and Americans, at 30 per cent, were the most interested in tasting Aboriginal culture.

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