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Tuesday, December 12, 2006

VIETNAM - Should Vietnam establish a Ministry of Ha Long Bay?

VNECONOMY, 27/11/2006

Nguyen Si Dung, Deputy Chairman of the National Assembly’s Office: “It is an original idea”

Where does the idea on the establishment of the Ministry of Ha Long Bay come from?

This is the idea raised by an American expert. After returning from Ha Long Bay, he said to me: “If Ha Long Bay can be developed in the right way, it can provide for all Vietnamese people. Why don’t you think of setting up the ministry of Ha Long Bay?”

Do you think that such an administrative body can bring the economic benefit big enough to provide for the whole country?

In Vietnam, a ministry is understood as having the function of undertaking management and making policies. When mentioning the Ministry of Ha Long Bay, the American expert wants to stress the importance of a body in charge of Ha Long Bay management. What he wants to say is that the management of the world’s landscape must be taken by a body equal to a ministry. Only a body at such a level would be fit for Ha Long Bay, which is unique in the world.

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