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Tuesday, December 19, 2006

NOOSA - EcoNova’s water reclamation plant unveiled

Ferret.com.au, 12 december 2006

Australia’s first private utility is ready to roll out a wastewater treatment plant, powered by its own waste.

A water reclamation plant invented by new Queensland utilities provider EcoNova has been hailed as a world leader. It turns out water to a previously unreachable standard: six star Class A++, and is thought to be the first wastewater treatment unit, fully powered by energy extracted from the waste products that it treats.

EcoNova has also recently become what it says is the first private firm in Australia authorised to provide water, sewage, recycled water and garbage services to any community. The Queensland Government gave it the green-light on the basis of its integrated systems, which operate independent of the water mains. EcoNova hopes councils will outsource their services in new developments to avoid upgrading infrastructure and shift the service risk to the private sector.

EcoNova’s first venture is a $1.47 million contract to provide wastewater treatment units for 300 existing and future properties at the Noosa North Shore Tourism Portal, plus on top of that to supply potable water and solid waste services.

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