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Tuesday, December 12, 2006

PHILIPPINES - Spain's booming tourism industry can be replicated in RP

Bayanihan.org, November 27

President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo said Monday the Philippines can advance its development and eventually become an economic superpower by replicating the success attained by Spain’s tourism industry.

Keynoting the 2nd Tribuna EspaƱa-Filipinas (Philippines-Spain Tribune) Forum at the Hyatt Hotel and Casino in Manila this morning, the President noted that Spain has become the economic superpower that it is today through its booming tourism industry.

"Spain is so strong in tourism and whenever I try to convince some of our provinces that tourism is their best hope for their development, I always point out the experience of Spain," the President said.

"That Spain became the economic superpower that it is today from one of the less prosperous countries a long time ago in Europe (because of tourism), that can happen to many of our islands and peninsulas in the Philippines," she added.

The President said that the groundwork for the country’s tourism program was encapsulated in her State-of-the-Nation Address (SONA) last July where she enumerated the development of the country’s Super Regions.

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