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Tuesday, December 12, 2006

BALI - A Tidal Change Needed in How We Care for Bali's Oceans

Balidiscovery.com, 12/1/2006

Increasing pollution along Bali's southern beaches is a source of growing public concern and closer scrutiny on how business and tourism operators across the island dispose of their waste and sewage.

Minister of Tourism Reacts

As reports of concerning levels of nitrates, bacteria and other pollutants in Bali's coastal waters arrived on his desk, Indonesia's Minister of Culture and Tourism, Jero Wacik, called for quick action to stop the pollution which threatens the entire tourism industry. The Minister called for legal action against the perpetrators of the pollution, if that was necessary to clean up the Island's waters.

Although pollution enforcement fall under another branch of the Government, Minister Wacik has issued instructions to his staff in Bali to find out who is responsible for polluting the waters off Bali's beaches. Two days prior to the story reporting the Minister's "get tough" order in the Indonesian language Nusa Bali, that paper carried a front page photograph of a large sewage pipe discharging waste on Sanur beach, allegedly connected to a nearby star-rated hotel.

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