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Wednesday, December 20, 2006

BALI - The Growing Problem of Pedophilia in Bali

Balidiscovery.com, (12/16/2006)

Experts speaking at a UNICEF-sponsored seminar held in Nusa Dua on December 4, 2006, warned that the incidence of sexual exploitation of children is expanding at an alarming rate in Bali.

Speaking at a Workshop of the Sexual Exploitation and Commercialization of Children, Anna-Karin Jatfor, an expert staff of UNICEF, admitted that monitoring such activity is problematic, although the government has sufficient information to attack the root causes of the problem.

The workshop reported that many under-aged sex workers are in evidence on Bali streets, night clubs, entertainment centers and hotels. According to Jatfors, young people who drop out from school are mong those most susceptible to commercialization and sexual exploitation.

>>Full article