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Thursday, May 10, 2007

REGIONAL DEVELOPMENTS - Short-haul Travel to dominate Tourism in Asia for next 10 years

ASIA Travel Tips .com, 13 March 2007

Short-haul travel within Asia Pacific is more popular than ever, with 90% of all outbound departures from Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos and Macau, going to destinations within the region, according to research from Euromonitor International. Not only does the short-haul market dominate departures in Asia, it is also growing rapidly, with departures up by 20% between 2000 and 2005, compared to long-haul’s growth rate of 12% over the same period.
The popularity of short-haul travel in Asia is set to intensify further over the next ten years, thanks to a combination of positive factors fuelling growth, according to Euromonitor, who is speaking on the future of short-haul v long haul travel in Asia Pacific at the Travel Distribution Summit Asia 2007 being held in Singapore.

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