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Thursday, May 24, 2007

INDIA - Tamil Nadu gets boost

TTGindia.com, May 20 2007

Tamil Nadu Tourism’s tourism development is on a roll with many public and private sector investments coming up in the state. Government of Tamil Nadu special commissioner, tourism, and Tamil Nadu Tourism Development Corporation chairman and managing director, Mr Sanwat Ram, told TTG India: “The budget for tourism for the financial year is US$10 million.
We plan to focus our investment on infrastructure development and enhancing tourist amenities at the state’s many tourist attractions.” Additionally, the state is spending US$11 million each at Thanjavur, Madhurai and Kanyakumari on infrastructure development. Sound-and-light shows at Thanjavur and Kanyakumari are being constructed at an additional US$3.3 million and US$5.5 million respectively.

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