Hangzhou, China 20th October 2006/eTN
Referring to the strong links between leisure, tourism and poverty reduction UNWTO Assistant Secretary General Geoffrey Lipman commended the 9th World Leisure Congress for joining the global campaign to stand up against poverty and for the Millennium Development Goals.In his remarks, he identified the emergence of a form of responsible enjoyment embodied in the UNWTO's Global Code of Ethics for Tourism which leaves a positive impact on visitors, on host communities and on the ecosystems it impacts. Noting that, the world is increasingly recognizing the beneficial socioeconomic impact of that mobile form of leisure and its great potential for the poorest countries -particularly in Africa.China, so embodies the spirit and the realization of the tourism paradigm. In less than 2 decades, under the balanced dynamism of the socialist market economy, China has become the fourth largest international tourist export market and is on track to become the largest market in the next two decades. And with its rapidly expanding middle class this is destined to become the largest two way market in the world.
>>Full article
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
DEVELOPMENTS - World Leisure Congress Stands up for Millennium Development Goals and Against Poverty
Posted by TDM at 11:04 AM
Labels: China, Regional developments