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Monday, November 05, 2007

INDONESIA - Record Bali arrivals

Asia Property Report - October 26 2007

Daily tourist arrivals in Bali over the past few months hit a record high of 5,400 to 6,000 since the Bali bombings of Oct 12, 2002 and Oct 1, 2005, Governor Dewa Beratha said.In the first eight months of 2007 an estimated 1.05 million foreign tourists visited Bali, raising hopes that the tourist arrival target of 1.5 million for this year will be achieved, he said when receiving 13 members of the House of Representatives´ Commission IV on agriculture, plantations,forestry, fisheries and food here Thursday.During the Idul Fitri holidays, the occupancy rate of most star-rated hotels in Bali was quite high, although most of the hotel guests were domestic tourists, he said. This indicated that the Bali tourism industry had begun to recover, he said.

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