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Thursday, January 25, 2007

MALAYSIA - CM wants full exploitation of Sarawaks' eco-tourism

Thestar.com.my, January 16, 2007

KUCHING: Chief Minister Tan Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud wants tourism players to help tap the full potential of Sarawak’s eco-tourism products.
He said these unique products, which made the Land of the Hornbills different from the peninsula, were mostly found in rural areas.
“It is in the rural areas where nature is at its best, where cultural practice is well-preserved and where there are a lots of animals and plants to show to tourists,” he added before presenting Sarawak Hornbill Tourism Appreciation Awards 2006 to the winners at Crowne Plaza Riverside Hotel here on Monday night.
Sarawak Tourism Federation, which hosts the annual event to give recognition to outstanding tourism players, received 368 entries - the highest so far.

>>Full article