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Monday, February 05, 2007

SABAH - Musa wants tourism players to invest in human capital

Daily express news, 26 January, 2007

Kota Kinabalu: Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman said the provision of high standard services by tourism players and its frontliners is a key element in the development of Sabah as a tourist destination.
In this respect, he said it is essential for the industry to invest in human capital by upgrading staff skills through training programmes.
"It is important to note that attractions, infrastructures and facilities are not enough to bring success," he said at the Asian Tourism Institute (ATI) 10th convocation held at Menara Tun Mustapha.
Also present were Youth and Sports Minister Datuk Masidi Manjun, Resource Development and Information Technology Datuk Dr Yee Moh Chai, ATI Chief Executive Officer Datuk Wong Khen Thau and chairman of ATI board of governors, Datuk Gabriel William.
Musa said the tourism industry must recognise that training is essential to the improvement the standards of services in order to achieve the state's objectives of further growth in the tourism industry.

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